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Monday, August 23, 2010

Word 2007 practical assignments for RS-CIT batch

Assignment 1.
Create a document in Word on a topic of your choice. Format the document with various fonts (minimum 12, maximum 15) and margins (minimum 2, maximum 4).
The document should include a) A bulleted or numbered list
                                             b) A table containing name, address, basic pay, department as column heading
                                             c) A picture of lion using clip art gallery
                                             d) An example of word art
                                             e) A header with student name & date
                                             f) A footer with pagination
Assignment 2.
Create a document with the text given below and save it as First.Doc
A Read only Memory is a memory unit that performs the read operation only, it does not have a write capability. This implies that binary information stored in a ROM is made permanent during the hardware production of the unit and cannot be altered by writing different words into it. Whereas a RAM is a general-purpose device whose contents can be altered during the computational process, a ROM is restricted to reading words that are permanently stored with in the unit. The binary information to be stored, specified by the designer, is then embedded in the unit to form the required interconnection pattern.
Do the following
       a) Count the occurrences of the word “ROM” in the above document.
       b) Replace ROM with Read Only Memory in the entire document
       c) Underline the text Read Only Memory
       d) Make an auto correct entry for ROM and it should be replaced by Read Only Memory
Assignment 3.
Use first.doc to perform the following operations
       a) Make the first line of document bold
       b) Make the second line italic
       c) Underline the third line
       d) Align the fourth line to center
       e) Make the font color of first line as red
       f) Change the font style of fifth line to Arial
       g) Change the second line to 18 points
       h) Insert the date & time at the start of document
Assignment 4.
Use the document earlier saved and perform the page setting as follows
       Top Margin 1.3”
       Bottom margin 1.4”
       Left margin 1.30”
       Right margin 1.30”
       Gutter margin 1.2”
       Header 0.7”
       Footer 0.7”
       Paper size executive
      Orientation landscape
Assignment 5.
Insert a table. The table should have 5 columns. The auto behavior should be ‘Fixed column width’. The following report has to be created in the table.
Sr. No.   Name          Basic Pay      Designation      Department
1            Rahul Roy    10000/-         MD                 Marketing
2            Ritu Garg     12000/-         AD                  Sales
3            Mohit           8000/-          Manager           Sales
4            Rakesh         9000/-          Senior Manager HR
(a) Heading should have a font size of 18, color should be blue and font should be bold.
(b) The data should have a font size of 12, color should be Red and font should be italic
(c) Insert a new row between 3 & 4 and type the data and reorder the sr. no column.
Assignment 6.
Create a table in word as shown below
 Roll No          Name        Marks in Physics  Marks in Chemistry   Total Marks
1                     Ritu           80                        70
2                     Rohit         70                        80
3                    Amit           60                        50
4                    Rakesh       40                        60
5                    Niti             30                        70
6                    Garima        80                        80
Do the following
(a) In the total marks column, entries should be calculated using formulas and it is the sum of marks in physics and marks in chemistry.
(b) Insert a new row at the end of the table and also find grand total using formula.
(c) Sort the table based on total marks
(d) The date and heading should be center aligned
(e) Heading should be in bold and underlined
Assignment 7.
Below is given a letter and some addresses, this letter is to be sent to all these addresses, so use mail merge option to do so
Addresses are:
1) Amit     H No 424 sector 8D   Chandigarh
2) Rohit    H No 444, Sector 125C Chandigarh
3) Jyoti     H NO 550, Sector 16A Chandigarh
The Letter is



Dear <<Name>>

You are called for an interview on the <<Date>>at 9:00 A.M with your original


Yours Sincerely

ABC Limited

Phase –7

Assignment 8. Make a template for the bio-data with the following format

Name :

Father’s Name :

Date of Birth :

Age :

Address :

Educational Qualification

Sr No          Qualification               Board                 Percentage

Work Experience:

Assignment 9.
Make a document with the following
1. It should have 3 pages
2. It should have bookmarks named book1, book2, and book3 for the respective pages.
3. Using go to command go to the
     i) Page no 2
     j) Bookmark named book3
4. Insert one page break on page 2 to make total no. of pages 4.
5. Insert page number at each page
Assignment 10.
       (i) Make an auto correct entry so that
                 a) Teh is replaced by The
                 b) Nmae is replaced by Name
                 c) Abouta is replaced by About a
       (ii) Define a Macro ‘Decorate’ which makes the text bold, Red in color and italic, font size 14. Assign a shortcut key Alt + Z to this macro.



  2. Hello in Assignment 3.
    first Line means?? :- "A Read only Memory is a memory unit that performs the read operation only, it does not have a write capability." OR
    "A Read only Memory is a memory unit that performs the read operation only, it does not have a "

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